In most states, there are many different places that the average person can take a driving course to satisfy court requirements as related to a DUI conviction. However, in the state of Maine, there is only one place that you can take this type of course, since it is the only state-approved provider of alcohol education classes. The Driver Education and Evaluation Program, normally referred to as DEEP, is the state’s main tool for the prevention of repeat offenses, and it is a great method of keeping the public as safe as possible from those offenders charged or convicted with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Types of Courses
There are courses for different demographics, such as a course for offenders under the age of twenty-one and another for those who have reached the legal drinking age. Make sure when you enroll that you enroll in the appropriate program so that you can receive the proper credit from the Secretary of State. This is important, because if you do not complete the right court-approved program, you may be unable to get your driving privileges reinstated.
In addition to these two classes, there are others specifically designed for out-of-state offenders, military personnel, and program completion courses. Check with your lawyer to find out which course is best in your situation.
Cost Associated with DEEP
The DEEP course series is not a free or even income-based one, and the offender is entirely responsible for the payment of all course fees. In many cases, it is a flat fee of $300, which is subject to change without prior notice depending on the program’s schedule and other factors. Transportation to and from DEEP is not provided, and you are still responsible for getting a ride to and from each class.