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Charges:  Domestic Violence Assault; Domestic Violence Criminal Threatening

Maximum Penalty:  2 years probation; $3,000.00 fine; 18 months jail

Summary:    The client was at home with her husband when they got into an argument.  Husband, who was later classified as a victim, was prone to histrionics.  The husband became very emotional and threatened to leave my client and wanted to leave the home.  The husband was on several prescription medications and my client was concerned for his safety and tried to prevent him from leaving.  The husband shoved my client out of the way and then fell down the stairs.  The husband literally ran to the police station and told a “story” about what happened (which was the EXACT opposite of the truth).  The client was later arrested for Domestic Violence.

Result: The client was placed on deferred disposition for a period of 6 months and the case was later dismissed.  I actually strongly encouraged the client to go to trial as I thought we would win in front of the jury but the client did was she thought was in her best interests.  In the end, it all worked out as the charges were dismissed.

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If you are facing criminal charges in Maine, the attorneys at The Maine Criminal Defense Group are here to help. Call our office to speak with one of our team members, who will discuss your case with you and set up a consultation with one of our attorneys.

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Maine Legal Group

We are a boutique law firm, and we stand out by prioritizing our clients’ well-being. At The Maine Legal Group, our experienced team offers personalized attention in both criminal defense and divorce cases.

The Maine Criminal Defense Group

The Maine Criminal Defense Group adeptly handles all areas of criminal defense practice, including experienced and skilled legal representation for state and federal charges.

The Maine Divorce Group

The Maine Divorce Group empowers individuals skillfully navigating divorce with compassionate guidance, ensuring a brighter future through the challenges of the process.